Dungeon Master
Title Dungeon Master
Game Type RPG
Players 1
Compatibility All
Submission angus@angusm.demon.co.uk
There are better looking RPG/Adventures than Dungeon Master, but I've not
found one as satisfying or addictive as this. The sound is atmospheric,
but the puzzles are first rate. They are not simple, but they are logical.
I've laid awake in bed thinking about Dungeon Master after all my efforts
to make further progress have failed. In isolation from the game though
you'll sometimes think of a solution and returning to the game, find
you've solved it. To me, that demonstrates real quality in the puzzles,
something all too often forgotten. Dungeon Master is a classic game, and
was a major factor in causing Amiga owners to upgrade their 512 k machines
to 1 megabyte.
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